Ya lo sé 1
TextbookYa lo sé is a four-part textbook series designed for learning Spanish in upper secondary schools.
Approval number: 1228/1/2024 Go to the online storeProduct advantages
- The material is divided into six units, each consisting of five lessons.
- Each lesson spans two pages and is designed to be completed in one or two class periods.
- The Comunicación en acción chapters contain communicative tasks for the teacher to choose from.
- All instructions are provided in both Spanish and Polish, except for the final lessons in each unit, which focus on communication, pronunciation, and self-assessment.
- After each unit, the student will find pages with a grammar summary, a picture dictionary, and a self-assessment section.
- Sample implementation of the core curriculum III.2.0/III.2.:
Grade I - Ya lo sé 1 A1
Grade II - Ya lo sé 2 A1+
Grade III - Ya lo sé 3 A2
Grade IV - Ya lo sé 4 A2/A2+
Downloadable materials
The methodological framework is currently in progress.
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Documentation 2024
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To receive them, please contact the publisher at: info@wydawnictwodraco.pl
Quizzes, tests, and answers -
Exam lesson plans are available exclusively for teachers. To obtain them, please contact the publisher via email at: info@wydawnictwodraco.pl.
Lesson plans -
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To obtain the diagnostic test, please contact us by email at info@wydawnictwodraco.pl.
Diagnostic test -
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Glossary - categorized by sections
Audio materials
Textbook recordings
Download- ya-lo-se-01.mp3
- ya-lo-se-02.mp3
- ya-lo-se-03.mp3
- ya-lo-se-04.mp3
- ya-lo-se-05.mp3
- ya-lo-se-06.mp3
- ya-lo-se-07.mp3
- ya-lo-se-08.mp3
- ya-lo-se-09.mp3
- ya-lo-se-10.mp3
- ya-lo-se-11.mp3
- ya-lo-se-12.mp3
- ya-lo-se-13.mp3
- ya-lo-se-14.mp3
- ya-lo-se-15.mp3
- ya-lo-se-16.mp3
- ya-lo-se-17.mp3
- ya-lo-se-18.mp3
- ya-lo-se-19.mp3
- ya-lo-se-20.mp3
- ya-lo-se-21.mp3
- ya-lo-se-22.mp3
- ya-lo-se-23.mp3
- ya-lo-se-24.mp3
- ya-lo-se-25.mp3
- ya-lo-se-26.mp3
- ya-lo-se-27.mp3
- ya-lo-se-28.mp3
- ya-lo-se-29.mp3
- ya-lo-se-30.mp3
- ya-lo-se-31.mp3
- ya-lo-se-32.mp3
- ya-lo-se-33.mp3
- ya-lo-se-34.mp3
- ya-lo-se-35.mp3
- ya-lo-se-36.mp3
- ya-lo-se-37.mp3
- ya-lo-se-38.mp3
- ya-lo-se-39.mp3
- ya-lo-se-40.mp3
- ya-lo-se-41.mp3
- ya-lo-se-42.mp3
- ya-lo-se-43.mp3
- ya-lo-se-44.mp3
- ya-lo-se-45.mp3
- ya-lo-se-46.mp3
- ya-lo-se-47.mp3
- ya-lo-se-48.mp3
- ya-lo-se-49.mp3
- ya-lo-se-50.mp3
- ya-lo-se-51.mp3
- ya-lo-se-52.mp3
- ya-lo-se-53.mp3
- ya-lo-se-54.mp3
- ya-lo-se-55.mp3
- ya-lo-se-56.mp3
- ya-lo-se-57.mp3
- ya-lo-se-58.mp3
Workbook recordings