Machbar 1
TextbookMachbar is a modern, three-part German language course designed for Polish students, in accordance with the latest Ministry of National Education (MEN) guidelines.
Approval number: 1132/1/2022 Go to the online storeProduct advantages
- Machbar organizes students' independent work: instructions are provided in both German and Polish, and the textbook includes review lessons, grammar summaries, a glossary for each unit, and transcriptions.
- The textbook consists of 7 chapters, each containing 5 lessons, making it easy to align the material with the school year schedule.
- The textbook focuses on engaging students in communication skills. It allows for self-evaluation of student progress after each unit.
- Access to audio materials through QR codes.
- The Machbar series consists of four parts: Machbar 1, Machbar 2, Machbar 3, and German Language Review Book.
- A multimedia version of the textbook and workbook is available on the Profidesk.io portal.
- A rich set of teaching resources for the instructor.
Downloadable materials
Download -
Documentation 2024
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To receive them, please contact the publisher at: info@wydawnictwodraco.pl
Quizzes, tests, and answers -
Exam lesson plans are available exclusively to teachers. To receive them, please contact the publisher at: info@wydawnictwodraco.pl.
Lesson plans -
A multimedia version of the textbook and workbook is available on the Profidesk.io portal.
Profidesk.io -
Supplementary videos explaining basic grammatical concepts, based on the Machbar curriculum – presented by Arkadiusz Gerlica.
Supplementary videos- film-1-alfabet-niemiecki-arkadiusz-gerlic.mp4
- film-2-powitanie-i-pozegnanie-odmiana-czasownika.mp4
- film-3-jezyki-kraje-i-zaimki-dzierzawcze.mp4
- film-4-czasowniki-i-zaprzeczenie-nicht-machbar-1.mp4
- film-5-liczby-1-20.mp4
- film-6-liczby-20-100.mp4
- film-7-czasownik-mochten-pytania-i-odpowiedzimp4.mp4
- film-8-czasowniki-nieregularne-i-przymiotnikimp4.mp4
- film-9-godziny-i-przebieg-dnia.mp4
- film-10-opis-rodziny-ze-zdjecia.mp4
- film-11-czasownik-mogen-i-przedmioty-szkolne-machbar-1.mp3
- film-12-rodzajniki-w-mianowniku-i-bierniku.mp4
- film-13-umiejscowienie-przedmiotow-odmiana-rodzajnikow.mp4
- film-14-piosenka-in-der-mitte-polozenie-przedmiotow.mp4
- film-15-czasowniki-rozdzielnie-zlozone-tworzenie-zdan.mp4
- film-16-opis-dnia-czasowniki-rozdzielnie-zlozone.mp4
- film-17-tworzenie-pytan-do-interview.mp4
- film-18-opowiadanie-historii.mp4
- film-19-daty-i-liczby-porzadkowe.mp4
- film-20-tryb-rozkazujacymp4.mp4
- film-21-jak-i-kiedy-uzywac-zaimkow-dzierzawczychmp4.mp4
- film-22-pogoda-i-pory-roku.mp4
Sets of additional exercises
Download -
Games and engaging activities
Audio materials
Textbook recordings
Download- cd1.mp3
- cd2.mp3
- cd3.mp3
- cd4.mp3
- cd5.mp3
- cd6.mp3
- cd7.mp3
- cd8.mp3
- cd9.mp3
- cd10.mp3
- cd11.mp3
- cd12.mp3
- cd13.mp3
- cd14.mp3
- cd15.mp3
- cd16.mp3
- cd17.mp3
- cd18.mp3
- cd19.mp3
- cd20.mp3
- cd21.mp3
- cd22.mp3
- cd23.mp3
- cd24.mp3
- cd25.mp3
- cd26.mp3
- cd27.mp3
- cd28.mp3
- cd29.mp3
- cd30.mp3
- cd31.mp3
- cd32.mp3
- cd33.mp3
- cd34.mp3
- cd35.mp3
- cd36.mp3
- cd37.mp3
- cd38.mp3
- cd39.mp3
- cd40.mp3
- cd41.mp3
- cd42.mp3
- cd43.mp3
- alles-ist-machbar.mp3
Also available on the Draco Publishing YouTube channel.
Additional materials
YouTube videos

The German alphabet

GPT Greetings and farewells, verb conjugation

Languages, countries, and possessive pronouns

Verbs and the negation nicht

Numbers from 1 to 20

Numbers from 20 to 1000

The verb möchten - questions and answers

Irregular verbs and adjectives

Hours and course of the day

Description of the family in the picture - who, where, what they are doing, how old they are

The verb mögen and school subjects

Articles in the nominative and accusative

The placement of objects, the declension of articles by cases

Song In der Mitte - placement of objects

Separable verbs, forming sentences and questions

Description of the day regular separable modal verbs können, müssen times of day

Creating questions for the interview

Telling a story

Dates and ordinal numbers

Imperative mood

How and when to use possessive pronouns - inflection by cases

Weather and Seasons

Film 0 - Trailer. Machbar 1

Film 1. Machbar 1

Film 2. Machbar 1

Film 3. Machbar 1

Film 4. Machbar 1

Film 5. Machbar 1

Film 6. Machbar 1

Film 7. Machbar 1

Film 8. Machbar 1

Film 9. Machbar 1

Profidesk, Memobi - the richest multimedia set for learning the German language

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 1

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 2

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 3

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 4

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 5

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 6

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 7

Animation Machbar 1 - episode 8