Homo Romānus I
TextbookThe first new textbook for Latin and ancient culture for upper secondary schools in several years. Homo Romānus consists of two parts, allowing it to be used at both an advanced level (parts one and two) and with fewer class hours (part one). Each part is divided into five thematically different modules and is supplemented by a grammar appendix and a Latin-Polish dictionary at the end of the book. Each module contains five lesson units and an additional summary lesson.
Approval number: 1046/1/2019 Go to the online storeProduct advantages
- The first new textbook for secondary schools in several years, breaking away from the nineteenth-century concept of teaching the Latin language.
- Experienced authors' team.
- Format A4 allowing for better exposure of the illustrative material.
- Modern, thoughtful, logical, and clear layout of the textbook.
- Carefully selected illustrative material.
Downloadable materials
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Documentation 2024
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Exam lesson plans are available exclusively for teachers. To obtain them, please contact the publisher via email at:
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Mock matura exam sheet
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Multimedia presentations for lessons